Foodbanks are a critical resource for people to be able feed themselves and their families.
According to Foodbank Victoria, "around 11,000 Victorians seek food relief each month and are unable to be assisted - 38% are children. Of those assisted, 67% do not receive all they require." Hunger is a serious problem and, in spite of modern prosperity, it's getting more serious. In 2013, there was a 12% increase in the number of people seeking food relief.
Low income, single parent families and those experiencing unemployment are the most likely groups to require assistance.
Our pantry stocks:
We encourage people to bring their own reusable bags.
Every Wednesday, we stock:
CHAMPION is open every:
Monday 10.00am to 12.00pm
Wednesday 12.30pm to 3.30pm
Closed Public Holidays.
You will find us at the TSA Community Hall, 51 Elizabeth Street in Bayswater (brown building on the right of the driveway).
Look out for the sign!
No appointment is necessary.
Contact Martina Eaton, Community Care Worker
M: 0433 335 815